Our Service
See the value we provide to your business.

-Smart Hands

-On-site Network Support

-Equipment Moving and Installation

-Manual Labor Assistance

Work With Us

Smart Hands

We offer a large staff of certified technicians who provide top of the line on-site and remote support solutions.


We offer Smart Hands services of many skilled technology technicians who can act as on-site installers and troubleshooters in case any issues arise with equipment and devices. Our Smart Hands capabilities allow customers the opportunity to delegate IT management, installation, and maintenance tasks to WZC technicians. Smart Hands prevents the customer from having to deploy their own staff to a site, allowing them to focus on day-to-day tasks.

The Process

Our Smart Hands services applies to but is not limited to:

- Switches
- Routers
- UPS batteries
- Monitors/Keyboards
- Printers

- Cell boosters
- Swaps/Equipment moves
- Closet Cleanup
- PCs/ Thin Clients
- Basic Cabling

- Hand Scanners
- CradlePoint
- Network Rack support
- Commission/Cutover


Latest Services

DAS & Cellular

WZC Networking offers A-Z solutions in all aspects of DAS and Cellular. From initial design all the way through installation and commissioning, we've got you covered.

Routing & Switching

Specialized routing and switching solutions executed by certified technicians.